Quick Start

You are busy, and you just want to get things done™, so let’s get going.

After installation, you are ready to roll.

Simple install

Install PHP-FPM, PHP CLI and the APC extension.

include php

class { ['php::fpm', 'php::cli', 'php::extension::apc']:


Advanced install

Install PHP-FPM, PHP CLI and the APC extension with custom configuration.

include php

class { 'php::cli': }

class { 'php::fpm':
  emergency_restart_threshold  => 5,
  emergency_restart_interval   => '1m',
  rlimit_files                 => 32768,
  events_mechanism             => 'epoll'

class { 'php::extension::apc':
  settings => [
    # Augeas commands, one command per array entry
    'set .anon/apc.enabled' => 1